Well well well, right now got lots of problem (huhuhu), before when I was a kid these problems that I am encountering right now are just PAPA WILL TAKE CARE OF IT matter. But now since papa passed away I need to face it all. What’s in my mind right now are these:
1. My Education
I’m 23 and still not finished anything yet, I’m hoping that when I turned 30 I have a diploma in my hand whether its in Arabic or English Education.
2. Stable Job
Before I get married I’m hoping that I can find a good job with good salary ofcourse, then I’ll make savings for my future inshallah.
3. My own Family
Every woman wants to have their own family, I’m dreaming too to have my own family I wand to marry a religious, responsible man and have a child or children with him.
4. Funds
I want to help the needy and orphans but how? I’m not rich I cannot afford to buy them food or supplies, these orphans really plays on my mind.
As for now these four are the major matters that plays on my mind over and over again I wish I can achieved it inshallah amen.
ACT Mindanao offers you a job as a project officer, how's that? :-)
Salary.... negotiable... :-)
Hi dear sister!
May Allah help you achieve all your dreams and make them come true...
I think I share most of them...
May Allah bestow blessing on the soul of your father and make his grave a RAWDA of El Djanna and all dead muslims, amiiiiin
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