Tuesday, July 21, 2009


July 20, 2009 before noon, I received a text message from a friend saying that there is an explosion in our City again, so I turned the Radio On and the reporter said that there’s a 7 hurt victims 1 of them is in critical condition, the Explosion was in the corner of Jose Lim Streen and Sinsuat Avenue in the Store named Co Tiong Bon.

In our City there is an Afternoon news program on TV called TV Patrol Central Mindanao, they broadcast the incident, and the True Story behind the Incident was that they want to kidnap the grandson of the Jewelry shop owner named Shahana which is located near the Co Tiong Bon Store but they failed so they threw a grenade on the Store, the 7 victims were only a customer of the store.

The Isra walmi’raj bombing is the second explosion in the same Month and Year in my City, I hope this is the last explosion, cause it really frightens the people both Muslim and Christians, and I’m really worried that if these incidents happen again maybe me or one of my family will be in DANGER.

STOP Kidnapping STOP Bombing Lets live in PEACE

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