Monday, March 31, 2014

Alive and Kickin'

Assalamu Alaykum,
It's been a long time again for my new post, there are so much t say but i dont know how to say it or even how to express it so im just free styling and type everything i can remember.

I only read it a few days ago this is my University Logo and it says الحق من ربكم (the truth is from your God)
Im I still studying? oh yeah! and guess what? im on my final yeat!! awesome right? i thought i will surrender and not finishing what i started but alhamdulillah just a little patience and a hard work I'm almost there.
Graduation is on the air but ofcourse I'm not here in Jordan on my Graduation day, after the Final exams gonna wait for my college documents and as soon as i have it will fly to my beloved country again, I think most of us which is not Arab who's studying abroad really doesn't care of graduatio march we only need our documents and fly. but some really cares for it coz some will go home or then return for the graduation day and some are were love to wait for few months only for graduation day. as for me and my hubby NEVER! we will go home as soon as we have the papers.
just yesterday we saw this post in the bulletin that the schedule of photoshoot for graduation is On! yes its on so you can feel so much emotions like you can now feel that you are graduating and you finished the four long year college life and also you will feel the emotion of loneliness WHY? because of the friendship you have with others specially with your close friends who's also non arabs and only here for their studies, you will feel that after that happiness and moments you shared together you will realized that it will come to an end, not end like you will not communicate with each other but the life as a college student that you always do together and shared together, I'm not an emotional person and I'm not loving how some people of Jordan sees me and other foreign students but I know and I can feel right now that I will be emotional and a lot of Crying when it is the time to leave this country.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Maher Zain

Assalamu Alaykum,
its been so long since my last post, but here I am doing another one, well I just wanna share the day I met Maher Zain, yes yes yes im a fan of him, not really a dying fan but i loved to listen on his songs, i love the lyrics and his voice, its not totally love love him coz the songs his doing has instrument on it which is not allowed in Islam, but I just love how he sings it so I listen to it sometimes, it was last april 20th this year when he gave a charity concert here in Amman, it was held in University of Amman Ahliya which is a almost an hour drive from my place, I and three of my friends watched the concert which was the first concert in my life i attended, i was surprised that some of the student from my Uni was also there, and I love the concert coz its like a family concert and most of the girls were wearing complete hijab.
Maher sang so many songs from the first and second album, everyone knows about the song and they sang with him, i sang too on the songs that I know specially from the first album, I really enjoyed it and I can see that everyone enjoys it.

he's starting to sing
at the gate

my friends
I love to watch Maher's concert again but im longing to watch Yusof Islam's concert, when are u coming to Amman Yusof I hope soon.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Beer without Alcohol

One of the Beer without Alcohol

إلى كل من يحتار في أمر البيرة الخالية من الكحول أو التي بدون كحول ..إلى كل من يظن أنها حلال إلى كل من يشربها جهارا نهارا ظنا منه
أنها حلال و أباحها علماء الدين .. فليستمع إلى فتوى الشيخ العلامة أسامة عبد الكريم الرفاعي حفظه الله بعد قيامه مع فريق من الأطباء و المخبريين و المختصين بعمل دراسة و بحث علمي حول الموضوع .. و البيرة بدون كحول معروفة بالماركات التالية : باربيكان ، ألماسة ، فيروز ، و غيرها ... و تباع في البقاليات و السوبرماركت و الأماكن العامة و الجامعات


تكرر طرح السؤال التالي على الشيخ:

“هل يجوز شرب المشروب الذي كتب عليه – بيرة بدون كحول-؟”

لم يتجرأ الشيخ الجليل على الإجابة حتى قام مع إخوانه في الله بدراسة علمية شاملة لإعطاء إجابة موثقة، حرصاً على أن لايكون هناك تجني على أحد، أو فتوى بغير علم، أو رجماً بالغيب.

يقول الشيخ:

أخذنا زجاجة (قنينة) كتب “عليها بيرة بدون كحول” ودفعناها الى مخبر في الشام متخصص بتحليل المواد الغذائية والصناعية وهو معتمد من قبل وزارة الصناعة، حللنا المادة في الزجاجة وتبين أن فيها 0.004 من الكحول المركز. وتثبتنا من صحة هذا التحليل عن طريق إدارة البحوث، و! نحن نعلم كم في هذه الإدارة من الدقة ، وأثبتت إدارة البحوث صحة هذا التحليل.

ولكن هناك من يقول ماذا تعني 0.004 هل هذه مسكرة؟ (يا أخوان 0.004 تعني أنه إذا كان لدينا 1000 غرام فهناك 4 غرامات فيها كحول).

تابعنا الدراسة بعد أن شكك أحد الأخوة في هذا وقال لنا ” يا أخي الخل فيه 0.004 كحول وربما أكثر!” فاتصلنا بهيئة المقاييس والمواصفات السورية وقلنا لهم الخل الطبيعي كم فيه من الكحول؟ فكانت الإجابة ” أن الخل حينما يتحول – أي من الخمر فيكون خلاً- فإنه بعد ذلك يكون عديم الكحول ” أي نسبة الكحول فيه صفراً. بالتالي فالتشكيك كان في غير محله.

ثم بعد ذلك أتينا الى حديث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لنعلم هل النسبة قليلة يمكن التجاوز عنها أم هي كثيرة؟ تابعوا معنا

يقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في الحديث الصحيح:

” ما أسكر منه الفَرَقْ فملءُ الكف منه حرام” وهذا ورد في توضيح الحديث ” ما أسكر كثيره فقليله حرام”

الفَرَق : وعاء كان يغتسل فيه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. وتقول كتب اللغة أن الفَرَق سعته ثلاثة أصُع (جمع صاع) والصاع يعادل حوالي 3.1 ليتر، وبالتالي سعة الفَرَق هي 9.3 ليتر.

ما قاله صلى الله عليه وسلم في حديثه أن الذي يشرب من أي مشروب سعة فَرَق (9.3 ليتر) ويسكر، فكمية قليلة من هذا المشروب ولو كانت ملء الكف هي حرام.

نعود الى البيرة بدون كحول، لو ملئنا فَرَق بمشروب بيرة بدون كحول وحسبنا كمية 0.004 لوجدنا أن الفَرَق فيه 37غ كحول خالص، والسؤال الأن هل هذه مسكرة؟

قمنا بإستشارة أهل العلم وهم أطباء متخصصون بالأمور النفسية فأجابونا بأن نسبة تركيز الكحول في الدم في رأي الطب الشرعي في فرنسا إذا كانت 0.8 غ/ليتر الدم أو أكثر فيعتبر السائق سكران ويعاقب وتسحب منه رخصة قيادة السيارة. وفي أمريكا هذه النسبة هي 3 .0 غ/ليتر الدم.

أخذنا الحد الأعلى (0.8 غ/ليتر الدم) تساهلاً وذلك تماشياً مع الطب الشرعي الفرنسي، وسألنا أطباء النفسية: ما هي الكمية التي يحتاج أن يشربها الإنسان لتصل نسبة الكحول في دمه الى 0.8غ/ليتر ؟ فكان الجواب 6 غرامات.

أي إذا شرب الإنسان 6 غرامات يسكر، ينتشي.

بالعودة الى الفَرَق وفيه 9.3 ليتر بيرة بدون كحول حيث وجد فيها بالحسابات 37 غ كحول خالص، نجد أن الفَرَق يسكر وبالتالي ” ما أسكر منه الفَرَقْ فملءُ الكف منه حرام” إذاً 0.004 حرام ولايوجد أي تردد في هذه الفتوى، فمقياسه صلى الله عليه وسلم واضح.

Friday, April 29, 2011

like it

alhamdulillah the 2nd examination for this semester just ended up today, i feel so tired and i feel my brain stop functioning, why is it so hard? other prof. really makes me crazy, they're taking questions from those topic that you are not confident with, from the topic that you wont think that he will give, but still even though they gave the hardest exam like my prof in Ulumul Hadeeth, and my Ilm Nahu Prof. i hope i passed.
still confident that inshallah i will get high marks on final which will be on the 12th of June till 20th, even not that high the important is i will pass, and i can continue my studies.
i will start to study early so that i can reach my aim to have a good marks, i love my subjects especially Hadi annabawi coz its so open for everything and it gives so you new learnings and and it straighten your faith and it makes everything clear to you.
inshallah i will search for the book the real book of our subject, i really wanna have a copy of it and i wanna read it so much. I know my self like im not a good reader but with this subject its like i dont wanna stop reading it and last time i read it i didn't notice the time, i haven't slept because of it because of the new things and ideas thats on it. I hoped we the moro students will do excellent on the finals.
may allah help us.. ameen

Sunday, February 20, 2011



just got home from University, I have a very bad headache today, its started in my last lecture, I haven't ate breakfast nor snacks i feel dizzy till now, but after this post I will take a short nap and then study the earlier lectures, I must not waste any time doing nothing, I need to study more because i am taking 6 subjects 18 units, unlike last semester I only have 4 subjects 10 units, its like I need to double what I did last semester.

all my doctors came today, inshallah i will do good this semester, the only thing i am not ease on is the last subject which is obligatory for me to take even i am not a Jordanian Citizen, I need to take the "Tarbiya Wataniyya" which is a study of Jordan and everything in it.

headache will soon be gone inshallah.

first day tomorrow for second semester

this is me semi excited for the start of the second semester, why? because im planning to go home after the end of this semester, and excited also meeting my friends again, and have no life again except for studies, happy even though its hard, coz i know this is also for my future, i hope and pray that i can make it till i graduate.

>>> will post soon<<<

Wednesday, October 6, 2010



Alhamdulillah, the first week of the class wasn’t that bad, I I’m registered to Department f Usuluddin Major in Usuliddin, my class starts at 9am till 2pm, it’s a 3 times a week class with 4 subjects.
My first day was a bit nervous cause I know it will be difficult for me to understand the Arabic Lectures specially those doctors who uses the “Amia” language.
I woke up on the first day of school at around 8am, I took a bath and light breakfast then I’m headed to University, the only girl I know in the university is Zainab, and Alhamdulillah she arrived earlier than me, we both searched for the room for our first class which is “Ulumul Qur’an”, the Doctor arrived a bit late but thank God he’s nice especially to us non-arab, he began to call our names and when my name called he said Maslama, I raised my hand and said Muslima and he smiled and said Ok Muslima. He gave us the name of the books which we need to study and also the reference books, I’m thankful because he speaks Fus-ha even though I couldn’t understand it all but most of it is loud and clear.
After the first subject we were headed to Tilawa class, but the Doctor didn’t arrived so we went to Cafeteria and ate some snacks, after the second class we have an hour rest so after Cafeteria we sat on the waiting chairs and that’s the time we met new friends, the first girl we met was Mishkat, she’s from South Africa who speaks fluent English and the best thing about her is she’s so funny, then we met Umm Rumman, Wa’d and Tamara, all of them are taking Sharia wal Qanun, but we have same subjects, like Mishkat, we can be classmates in 2 subjects (Sira an-Nabawiyya and Madkhal ila al-fiqh al-Islamie), Wa’d (Ulumul Quran and Madkhal ila al-fiqh al-Islamie) and last Tamara (Madkhal ila al-fiqh al-Islamie).
Today was the second day of class, and the teachers were complete, I met my Tilawa teacher and oh my God! She’s so pretty… she speaks in Mix Amia and Fus-ha, and the other teacher also came but he doesn’t speak Fus-ha, so I need to read very carefully the book cause that is the only thing I have to do to understand the subject he’s teaching.
But all in all I feel very happy that my first week wasn’t that Bad… Alhamdulillah!